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Reach Targeted Readers for Games, Puzzles & Trivia

PuzzleDepot.Com reaches an audience of 250,000 visitors per month interested in mental challenges of various types. Our readers respond enthusiastically to product offers related to puzzles, logic games and trivia. Reader interests include software, contests, books, gift ideas and online Web activities.

Past Email List Campaign Response Rates
Pricing = $.10 to $.30/address

List NameTotal Response Rented Size Response Ratio
Movies_and_Movie_Sites9 18 50.00%
Computers-Internet_Shoppers2461 5508 44.68%
Television18 63 28.57%
WRESTLING576 2151 26.78%
Videogames4 16 25.00%
Business_Opportunities261 1071 24.37%
Travel_and_Leisure6723 33574 20.02%
Computers-Scanners207 1044 19.83%
Freeware464 2340 19.83%
Contests30270 167498 18.07%
Computer_Software-Internet357 2069 17.25%
Make_Money_Fast1289 7623 16.91%
Chatters391 2313 16.90%
Real_Estate9 54 16.67%
INTERNET-HTML603 3870 15.58%
Computer_Software-Games9565 62773 15.24%
Computer_Software-Windows_NT261 1764 14.80%
Entertainment1694 11731 14.44%
Catalogs507 3762 13.48%
Web_Hosting_Services54 405 13.33%
Gardening20 153 13.07%
STRESS_MANAGEMENT297 2277 13.04%
FREE_STUFF23741 183246 12.96%
Investment_Advisers477 3906 12.21%
Basketball90 747 12.05%
COMPUTERS204 1694 12.04%
Computer_Software-Children1106 9187 12.04%
Education2378 19984 11.90%
Finance-Investing-Private_Stock_Offerings54 486 11.11%
Health_Care_Professionals112 1062 10.55%
Computer_Software-Educational8882 85792 10.35%
Doctors9 90 10.00%
WEIGHT_LOSS915 9252 9.89%
HEALTH-BACK_CARE263 2718 9.68%
Gambling1801 18667 9.65%
Baseball72 747 9.64%
MOVIES367 3960 9.27%
Clothing-Catalogs73 801 9.11%
TOYS1207 13288 9.08%
Antiques_Collectibles457 5058 9.04%
Finance-Investing2415 26892 8.98%
Affiliate_Programs844 9459 8.92%
INTERNET-WEB_TV9 108 8.33%
PARENTING472 5767 8.18%

A2zNews.com, LLC owns this site and administers the banner advertising system which supports online stats reporting and flexible inventory delivery capabilities.

PuzzleDepot.Com Demographics

Gender Age Operating System Country
36%... Male

64%... Female

13%...Under 18
26%... 18-25
12%... 26-29
21%... 30-39
17%... 40-49
 8%... 50-59
 3%... 60+
50%... Win 95
31%... Win 98
 9%... Win NT
 5%... MacIntosh
 2%... Web TV
 2%... Win 3.1
 1%... Other
75%... USA
 7%... Canada
 3%... UK
 3%... India
 3%... Australia
 1%... Philippines
 8%... Other
Job Function
4697 of 248944 members supplied the information for this demographic.
Creative  36.90% (1733)
Executive/ Corporate (CEO, President, Senior VP, etc.)  3.26% (153)
Financial/ Accounting  9.96% (468)
IS/ Systems/ Technology  8.22% (386)
Marketing/ Promotion/ PR  2.45% (115)
Production/ Manufacturing  7.05% (331)
Research  12.90% (606)
Sales/ Account Management/ Client Services  19.27% (905)

Some of PuzzleDepot.Com's Site Awards

Response Rates = 2-12% For Game and Puzzle Products

We offer competitive pricing for those who wish to direct PuzzleDepot.Com readers to their sites. Pricing may be arranged on a per Impression or actual Click-Through basis.

  • Impression Pricing = $10 per 1,000 Ad Displays (Gross)

    Charges are accrued for each display of the banner ad, regardless of the click-through response rate. Ads are placed at the top of page position.

  • Click-Through Pricing = $25 per 100 Clicks (Gross)

    Charges are accrued only for actual clicks on the banner, thus representing the number of visits to the client generated by the ad. This pricing method is subject to approval based on suitability to our site theme.

  • Both Ad Types Are Displayed Throughout The Site In Rotation Queues
  • Ads Are Displayed Until Client Specified Quantity Is Reached

A Few of PuzzleDepot.com's Advertisers

Technical Requirements and Payment Terms

  • Banners Can Be Posted Within 24 Hours Of Payment Receipt
  • Banners Must Be GIF Format
    • No Larger Than 468 Pixels Wide by 60 Pixels Tall
    • File Size Less Than 10 Kb
    • Transparent and Animated Banners Are Allowed

Example Banner Ad

Payment and Length Of Ad Run Terms

All ads at PuzzleDepot.Com are to be:

  • Paid via check or money order
  • Run until desired impression or click-through quantities are reached
  • Ad run time periods fluctuate with Puzzle Depot traffic levels (250,000 pages/mo avg)
  • Periodic ad count status messages are emailed to client

Placing An Order

You may use the ad insertion order document templates provided below for your convenience:

  • Microsoft Word for Office 97: Click Here
  • Microsoft Word for Office 95: Click Here
  • Rich Text Format: Click Here
  • Please send the form to our contact addresses below.

Other Advertising Options

Contact us for the latest rates on email advertising in our newsletter. Rates start at only $10 per thousand subscribers

How To Contact Us

For an estimate on marketing your products or Web site banner ads, please contact us via the form below, normal email, phone or postal mail. We continuosly monitor our email account for customer feedback and assistance, so please feel free to utilize this avenue for quick response.

Additional Advertising Info Request

1. Your Name: 
2. Your Email:
3. Site Title:
4. Site URL:  

We'll contact you shortly about your advertising needs...

Other Contact Methods

Postal Address:

A2zNews.com, LLC
5722 Jones Valley Drive
Huntsville, AL 35802

24 Hr. Toll Free Phone Number: (800) 553-4305.
For International Callers: +1 256-881-4832

Toll Fax No.: (256) 885-0280.
Toll-Free Fax: (877) 867-5392.
Email Address: [email protected].

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