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Books: Punzzles : Calendar : Word Finders

This Contest Has Expired - See Contests Page For Latest News

See Correct Answers and Winner...

The Puzzle Depot is pleased to bring you the 20th PUNZZLES Contest for those who love word puzzles. PUNZZLES are configurations of letters, numbers, words, lines and symbols that translate into familiar words, phrases or expressions. They can also represent movies, TV shows, names, book or song titles and sporting events, among other things. In short, PUNZZLES will stretch your brain for hours of fun, enjoyable puzzle solving! Visit the PUNZZLES Page to see solution instructions and examples.

Contest Rules and Prize Selection

The prizes offered in the PUNZZLES Contest are shown on our Rules and Prizes Page.
  • Contest entry is free and is open to all persons except business associates of A2zNews.com, LLC. and FS Enterprises.
  • The contest consists of 25 PUNZZLES and 1 Super PUNZZLE (No. 26 is more diffcult).
  • The number of words indicated for the answers are provided as helpful hints, not absolute requirements.
  • All puzzle solution entries will be reviewed and the first all-correct entry received will be the winner.
  • If no all-correct entries are received, the winning entry will be determined by the most correct answers.
  • Entries must be received by noon Eastern Daylight Time on April 30, 1998.
  • Correct solutions and the winning entrant's name will be posted after the conclusion of the contest.
  • Postal mail entries will also be accepted at FS Enterprises, Punzzles Dept., P.O. Box 309, North Conway, NH 03860.
  • FS Enterprises (creator of PUNZZLES) will be the sole judge of all entries.

Entry Submission Methods

Disabled since expired...

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Contest PUNZZLES (Place Answers In Form Areas)


1)                                     2)
       W                                        AFTERNOON 
         I   E                                      -
         I   E

      (2 words)                                 (4 words)

3)                                     4) 
      E M P T Y                               RE    CORD

     (3 words)                                (2 words)

5)                                    6)
      MOVE  MOVE                             POLKA   DOROTHY
            ----                                     DOROTHY
      MOVE  MOVE
      MOVE  MOVE

      (4 words)                                (2 words)

7)                                    8)
       MALE                                 +----------+
          -                                 |          |
                                            |   1996   | 1997
                                            |          | 

     (1 word)                                (5 words)

9)                                   10)
       LEG4:15pm                            THHIE MSATKOIRNYG

       (5 words)                                (4 words)

11)                                  12)
      +-----------+                         GOUL  DENS
      |           |
      |           |
      |   CHILD   | CHILD     
      |   -----   |
      |           |

        (2 words)                           (3 words)

13)                                  14)
        give   take                          +------+
                                             | JUKE |

         (5 words)                           (2 words)

15)                                  16)                       
        GHINST                                WITN*SS

       (3 words)                             (2 words)

17)                                 18) 
        CORDDD                              +-------------+                     
                                            |             |  
                                            |             | LIE
                                            |             | LIE
                                            |             |

      (2 words)                                (4 words)

19)                                 20)
         KNOW                               PSTARORLLK

       (2 words)                             (5 words)

21)                                 22)
      +--------------+                     MALE DEER 
      |              |                             -
      |              |
      |       7:30am |          
      |              |
      |              |

         (4 words)                         (4 words)

23)                              24)
       --------                         VINOTILMIVTEELYD

       (1 word)                            (2 words)

                             |         |
                   COOUTLD   |         | COOUTLD
                   -------   |         |   

                              (5 words)                           

26)                       (Super Punzzle)              
                      II  II  II  II  II  II

                             (1 word)


The Winner and Answers For Contest 20

Winner = Jackie Woldering of the United States
We thank all 212 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 25 out of 26 and was selected as the winner per the contest rules. Jackie will have a choice of merchandise from our Puzzle Depot Software Store">Software Store or Gift Store as a prize.

Here are the answers: (multiple correct answers separated by new lines under same number)

1)  Crossed wires
2)  Middle of the afternoon
3)  Come up empty
4)  Broken record
5)  All the right moves
6)  Polka dots
7)  E-mail
8)  Year in and year out
9)  One leg at a time
10) History in the making
11) Inner child
12) Cut the mustard
    (We gave everyone credit for #12 due to a typo error)
13) A little give and take
14) Juke box
15) Order of things
    Things have changed
16) Star witness
17) Extension cord
18) Out and out lie
    Outright lies
19) Oh no!
20) A stroll in the park
21) The time is right
22) The buck stops here
23) Undergarments
24) Intimitely involved
25) Left out in the cold
26) Finalize

Additional details may be found on the Contests Page.

Order PUNZZLES Today For Yourself or As A Gift!

If you would like to order these challenging puzzles for gifts or yourself, please see the PUNZZLES Page for details. They are only $3.95 US each with a Buy 5, Get 1 Free discount with 100 PUNZZLES in each book!

Email Request For Information Via Postal Mail Response

To have an info package sent to your postal address, send an email message as follows:
Address = Email us
Subject = "PUNZZLES Info Request"
Message = (Your Postal Address)

Or fill in the following form:

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