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Books: Punzzles : Calendar : Word Finders

Welcome To The PUNZZLES Contests Page

We are pleased to bring you the PUNZZLES Contests for those who love word puzzles. PUNZZLES are configurations of letters, numbers, words, lines and symbols that translate into familiar words, phrases or expressions. They can also represent movies, TV shows, names, book or song titles and sporting events, among other things.

In short, PUNZZLES will stretch your brain for hours of fun, enjoyable puzzle solving! Visit the PUNZZLES Page to see solution instructions and examples.

Contest 20 Was Our Last Contest For Awhile

We have suspended our Punzzles contests indefinitely while getting our Daily Punzzle service ready. We'll be bringing you a fresh Punzzle each day instead of the monthly contests. Meanwhile, for great contests please try Uproar Games for fun and prizes.

Previous Punzzles Contest Results

Contest 20

Winner = Jackie Woldering of the United States
We thank all 212 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 25 out of 26 and was selected as the winner per the contest rules. Jackie will have a choice of merchandise from our Puzzle Depot Software Store">Software Store or Gift Store as a prize.

Contest 19

Winner = Jim Beyer of the United States (Repeat Winner)
We thank all 108 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 25 out of 26 and was selected as the winner per the contest rules. Jim has chosen the Warheads software package from our Puzzle Depot Software Store">Software Store as a prize.

Contest 18

Winner = Jim Beyer of the United States
We thank all 274 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 25 out of 26 and was selected as the winner per the contest rules. Jim has chosen the BOXES and BOXES II puzzle software bundle from our Puzzle Depot Software Store">Software Store as a prize.

Contest 17

Winner = Jackie Woldering of the United States
We thank all 142 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 25 out of 26 and was selected as the winner per the contest rules. Jackie has chosen merchandise from our Puzzle Depot Gift Store as a prize.

Contest 16

Winner = Jennie Stebbins
We thank all 165 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 24 out of 26 and was selected as the winner per the contest rules. Ms. Stebbins has chosen merchandise from our Puzzle Depot Software Store as a prize.

Contest 15

Winner = Karen Bautz
We thank all 74 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 20 out of 26 and was selected as the winner per the contest rules. Ms. Bautz chose the PUNZZLES 5-Pack booklet set as her prize.

Contest 14

Winner = Guy A. Hurt
We thank all 90 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 26 out of 26 and was selected as the winner per the contest rules. Guy chose the PUNZZLES 5-Pack booklet set as his prize.

Contest 13

Winner = F. Blair King (also won no. 12) of the United States
We thank all 200 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 26 out of 26 and was the earliest submitted. Blair chose the PUNZZLES 5-Pack booklet set as a prize.

Contest 12

Winner = F. Blair King of the United States
We thank all 74 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 22 out of 26 and was the earliest submitted. Blair chose the POKO Board Game as a prize.

Contest 11

Winner = Mary Mary Berryann of the United States
We thank all 225 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 25 out of 26. Ms. Berryann chose the PUNZZLES 5-Pack booklet set as her prize.

Contest 10

Winner = Diane M. King of the United States
We thank all 262 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 25 out of 26. Ms. King chose the PUNZZLES 5-Pack booklet set as her prize.

Contest 9

Winner = Guy A. Hurt of the United States
We thank all 117 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 25 out of 26. Mr. Hurt chose the PUNZZLES 5-Pack booklet set as his prize.

Contest 8

Winner = Bob Heasley of the United States (Repeat Winner)
We thank all 93 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 23 out of 26. Mr. Heasley chose the PUNZZLES 5-Pack booklet set as his prize.

Contest 7

Winner = Paul Vincent of the United Kingdom (Repeat Winner)
We thank all 92 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 22 out of 26. Mr. Vincent chose the Perplexity Board Game as his prize.

Contest 6

Tied Winners = Paul Vincent of the United Kingdom and Chris Wilde of the US
We thank all 60 of those who entered this contest and hope you decide to play again. The winning entries had scores of 23 out of 26. Mr. Vincent chose the YOT puzzle gadget while Mr. Wilde chose the Perplexity board game.

Contest 5

Tied Winners = Robert J. Bishop of the US and Bob Heasley of the US
We thank all 102 of those who entered this contest and hope you decide to play again. The winning entries had scores of 25 out of 26. Mr. Bishop chose the YOT puzzle gadget while Mr. Heasley chose the PUNZZLES 5-Pack booklet set.

Contest 4

Winner = Marg Jones of Canada.
We thank all 75 of those who entered this contest and hope you decide to play again. The winning entry had a score of 18 out of 26. Marg chose the PUNZZLES 5-Pack booklet set as a prize.

Contest 3

Winner = Annette Leonard of the US.
We thank all 89 of those who entered this contest and hope you decide to play again. The winning entry had a score of 23 out of 26. Congratulations on a job well done! Annette chose the PUNZZLES 5-Pack booklet set as her prize.

Contest 2

Winner = Andrea Dutra of The US.
We thank all 101 of those who entered this contest and hope you decide to play again. The winning entry had a score of 26 out of 26. Congratulations on a perfect score! Andrea chose the PUNZZLES 5-Pack booklet set as a prize.

Contest 1

Winner = Stephen Hirschberg of the US.
We thank all 35 of those who entered this contest. The winning entry had a score of 18.5 out of 26. Congratulations on a job well done! Stephen chose the PUNZZLES 5-Pack booklet set as a prize.

Order PUNZZLES Today For Yourself or As A Gift!

If you would like to order these challenging puzzles for gifts or yourself, please see the PUNZZLES Page for details. They are only $3.95 US each with a Buy 5, Get 1 Free discount with 100 PUNZZLES in each book!
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