Caspian Crossword / Acrostic Puzzle 291
Copyright © 1995 Kegler and Caspian
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Created by Caspian and Kegler
Caspian, our prolific crossword editor, was educated at Cambridge University before becoming a Citizen of the World. When not deep in his dictionary and thesaurus, he is a student of the works of C.S. Lewis. He is also a member of the National Puzzlers' League. |
This Cryptic Crossword by Caspian was created with Crossword Compiler for Windows. This fine program allows you to make any size, shape, or style of grid, and will then auto-fill all or part of the grid using an extensive library of words. It has built-in anagramming and word-finding capabilities, and its interfaces for writing and saving clues are excellent. If you are interested in writing your own crosswords, you can download Crossword Compiler for Windows from Crossword-compiler.com.
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