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TOUGH CRYPTICS - Exclusively For Cryptic Fans

At last, there's a publication that's devoted exclusively to your favorite puzzles - TOUGH CRYPTICS. We invite you to savor the most entertaining and challenging cryptic crosswords available anywhere. And claim your Three FREE Gifts described below! The preview puzzle below is just a sample of what's in store for you in each issue of TOUGH CRYPTICS.

You'll find all brand-new, never-before published cryptic crosswords, with each clue a miniature puzzle in itself -- painstakingly created for only one purpose: to give you the ultimate mental workout. Plus two prize contests in each issue!

Will Shortz, Crossword Editor of The New York Times, says, "I enjoy TOUGH CRYPTICS from cover to cover."

Enjoy These FREE Gifts When You Sign Up

We'll be sending you the following with your TOUGH CRYPTICS Welcome Package:

  • YOURS FREE: "Cryptic Tournament Crosswords" -- you'll match wits with America's best solvers!

  • Your first issue of TOUGH CRYPTICS -- FREE!

  • EXTRA BONUS PUZZLES! Complete the preview puzzle described below, return it with your sign-up, and you'll also get 25 More Bonus Cryptics, FREE!

Try A Preview Puzzle

Find out if you'll like TOUGH CRYPTICS by trying the Preview Puzzle now! It's called "THE FOUR SEASONS" by Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon, who create the monthly cryptic crossword for Atlantic Monthly. If the puzzle's clever theme and tricky wordplay are your cup of tea, you're going to love TOUGH CRYPTICS.


If you're not totally delighted with TOUGH CRYPTICS -- for any reason -- you'll get an immediate refund with no questions asked. And you can keep the puzzles we've sent you for your trouble. Please try the Preview Puzzle by printing it out from your browser and solving it at your convenience. When you've finished the puzzle, just send it in and get ready for TOUGH CRYPTICS!

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