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THE FOUR SEASONS, by Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon

Clue answers are to be treated according to season before being entered in the diagram. Those of Spring, a time for new beginnings, have a different first letter in the diagram. Those of Summer, a time for growth, gain an extra letter somewhere. Those of Autumn, a time for dropping, lose one letter. And those of Winter, a dormant time, undergo no change. All changes result in new words in the diagram. Eight answers belong with each season.

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ACROSS                              DOWN
1   First of channels fit TV system  1   Score first of ten with 
5   Dish left covered by hors 	         teammate?
    d'oeuvre                         2   A liberal one's excuse
10  Laurel's strange attraction	     3   Thrusts confused us and Glen
11  Top 100 papers                   4   Before getting bit, one who's 
12  Designated actor Richard in          shy?
    "Discovery"                      5   Old food after each speech
14  Airman damaged boat basin        6   Model near a sports center
15  Young lady is taking on errands  7   Buchwald's penning one essay
17  Makes amends for keeping at          with skill
    discourses lengthily             8   Color can shift at the end
19  Thinly scattered grey meal       9   Energy low in my diplomatic
22  Snack amid theatre attractions       quarters
25  Start in with the thing I etched 13  Medicine arranged in pairs
26  Writes about love slaves         15  Relative flab on that woman
27  Disc stops carrying 50 songs     16  Standing off smartly and
    from yesterday                       correctly
28  Nuts anger Lear's daughter       18  High chair toppled audibly
29  Stake confines a small animal    20  Picture new delis
                                     21  Silences chief of Mohawk Indians
                                     23  Playful cat in frolic
                                     24  Be ready to attack


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