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Crossword Puzzle No. 1 for Hard Copy Printout

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ACROSS                         DOWN
  1 Leg (slang)                1 Pact of Calyx
  4 More slick                 2 Cathartic
  9 Despot                     3 Generators
 13 Metric weight unit         4 Supports the rudderpost
 16 Flower petals              5 Textiles
 17 Province in NW China       6 Accustoms
 18 Make angry                 7 Electronic warfare
 19 Of urea                    8 Herbs
 22 Beat with a cane           9 A knitted fabric
 23 About ecumenicism         10 Begin hostilities with
 25 Saintly (Spanish)         11 Expression of sorrow or pity
 26 Stripling                 12 One who associates
 28 Bodily cavity             13 Thinks
 29 Relation                  14 In a unstable way
 31 Occurrences               15 Self-replicating protein molecule
 32 Dry                       20 Belonging to a thing
 34 Chemical elements         21 Lettuce
 36 Any piece of work         22 Supervises interstate commerce
 37 Yearly tonnage, abbr.     24 Individual
 39 On occasion               27 Cobras
 42 Chills                    30 Current units
 46 Declared                  33 New location, abbr.
 50 Behind                    35 Strength
 51 Norwegian krone           38 Atmosphere and outer space as a whole
 52 Accumulation              40 Civil time
 53 Bird genus                41 Markkas
 54 Betrayer                  43 Pressman
 56 Counterbalances           44 Take away
 58 Crocodilian reptile       45 __ Claus
 59 PC graphics file format   46 Bounces over water
 60 Memorizations             47 __ Clapton, musician
 62 Samuel Haya__a,US Senator 48 Horse
 63 Unhappy                   49 A digital tape recording of sound
 64 Pacific Standard Time     52 Fashion
 65 Photographs               55 Lodge
 67 More colorless            57 More infrequent
 69 Helios                    58 Aspersions
 70 Monetary unit             60 Confederate soldier
 71 Judicial writ             61 Diego, Francisco, Anselmo
 73 Expunctions               63 Distress signal
 76 Egyptian Sun god          66 Alphabetic character
 78 Gave cause to worry       68 Optical device
 79 Isaac's mother (Bib.)     69 Indian term of respect
 81 Malevolence               70 Cablegram, abbr.
 84 Floor covering            72 Securities market
 85 _elerate                  74 British Air Aces
 86 Letter of the alphabet    75 Radioactivity unit
 87 Monster                   76 Chemical compound
 89 Pitch                     77 Roger Brooke, US jurist
 90 Speak carefully, with     80 A resident of America
    rising and falling pitch
 92 Mushroom                  82 Compassionate
 94 Spoken in Dali region of  83 Amounts of time
 95 A crane                   85 Used of an amount not specified
 96 Indigent                  86 Electronic equipment
 97 _ student, learns healing 88 Pinna
 98 Blackguard                91 Character
100 Values                    92 Advanced
102 Aerie                     93 Maya __ of Vietnam Veterans Memorial
103 Determines time           95 Change integrity
106 Deplete                   97 Businesswoman
107 Musical composition       99 A stratum of rock
109 Raincoat                 101 Jar
110 Dekametre                103 Desoxyribonucleic acid
112 Saucy                    104 Modern
116 African country          105 A solution of sodium chloride and water
120 Create from raw stuff    108 Young owl
122 Snap                     111 Edouard __, Fr. painter
124 Bay window               113 Arabian greeting
125 Internal secretion       114 Thrusts
128 __ Ladd, actor           115 Miss
129 African river            116 Coiffure
130 Accounts                 117 Mineral
131 Ways                     118 Prong
132 Bill                     119 Designer drug
133 Eastern Time             121 Account
134 Release                  123 Suc__, luck (Irish)
135 Samoyedic                126 Tally
136 Square measures          127 Local area network

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