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Crossword Puzzle No. 2 for Hard Copy Printout

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 ACROSS                               DOWN
  1 State of drowsy contentment        1 Cabbagelike plant
  4 Gear tooth                         2 Before
  7 Swift                              3 Suitably
 11 Find the sum of                    4 Escapade
 14 Alert                              5 Barbarous person
 16 Gone by                            6 Well-behaved
 17 Musical instrument                 7 Norse god
 18 French vineyard                    8 Manila hemp plant
 19 Hood-shaped anatomical part        9 Caribbean dance music
 20 In favor of                       10 Tiny
 21 Speed contest                     11 Statute
 22 Diplomacy                         12 Haggard
 24 Organ of sight                    13 Gold coin
 25 Coarse wool cloth                 14 Period of human life
 27 Examines closely                  15 Method
 29 Armed conflict                    23 Attempt
 30 Having wings                      26 Used to be
 31 Seed of a legume                  28 Heroin
 32 Insufficient                      30 City in central Belgium
 34 Compositions                      31 Metal container used for frying
 37 Outer garment                     33 One-celled protozoa
 39 Sweet potato                      34 Nestling
 40 Howl                              35 Unspecified in number
 41 Serving to warn                   36 Hit sharply
 44 Outfit                            37 Vulgar, ill-bred fellow
 48 Gather                            38 Mountain spinach
 50 Highest mountain in Crete         41 Man who has lost his wife
 51 Consume                           42 Open mesh fabric
 53 Basis                             43 Shaped like a hood
 54 Colonised                         45 Label
 56 Bovine animals                    46 Exploit
 58 Encourage in wrongdoing           47 Domesticated animal
 59 Legendary emperor of China        49 Wily
 60 Abstract being                    52 Propend
 62 Moat                              55 Consumes
 66 Resembling tweed                  57 Trial
 68 Loving                            61 Dip in liquid
 73 Entrance                          62 Cigarette
 74 Attach by stitches                63 Lyric poem
 75 Cereal grass                      64 Title of a knight
 77 Metal spike used by mountaineers  65 Employees
 78 Ancient Hebrew coin               67 Female sheep
 80 Person who lives in seclusion     69 Firearm
 83 Goat's milk cheese                70 Separate article
 84 Watch pocket                      71 Short letter
 86 Profane expression                72 Growl
 87 Religious pilgrim                 76 Powdery residue
 89 Incompetent person                79 Garden tools
 92 Soviet secret police              81 Related by birth
 93 Very strong wind                  82 Laboratory
 94 Period of history                 85 Tree limb
 95 The devil                         87 Comrade
 97 Small hill                        88 Daylong
 99 Light meal                        89 Debutante
102 Fragments                         90 Wild sheep of S Asia
104 Soft lambskin leather             91 Containing fat
105 Acknowledgement of debt           92 Stuffing for pillows
106 Indoor game                       93 Causing gout
108 Consumed                          96 Monetary unit of Western Samoa
109 Semisolid mass                    97 Young goats
110 Speck                             98 Small recess
111 In a cocked position              99 Horse's gait
112 Alkali                            100 And so on
113 Codlike fish                      101 Inquire of
114 Firmament                         103 Perceive with the eyes
115 Nevertheless                      107 Very skilled person

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