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Crossword Puzzle No. 4 for Hard Copy Printout

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ACROSS                                     DOWN
  1 Businessman                            1 Dillenioid dicot genus
  4 Semites                                2 Shallow
  9 Tip of Aleutian Islands                3 In a way, besets
 13 Other side of yang (Chinese)           4 Plant part
 16 Side that is sheltered from the wind   5 More uncommon
 17 Rajah's wife                           6 Electrodes
 18 A layer of ore between layers of rock  7 Mountain
 19 Calendar month                         8 Six (Spanish)
 22 In a way, plays                        9 Visible personification of an abstract quality
 23 In a dry way                          10 Cablegram, abbr.
 25 Mother                                11 Trough
 26 Replenished                           12 Released animal
 28 Drunk                                 13 Chinese official's residence
 29 Unloved                               14 One who obtains in pure form
 31 A person to whom money is paid        15 Asset
 32 Confederate soldier                   20 Root mean square, abbr.
 34 Tub                                   21 In a way, directs
 36 Japanese characters                   22 Old folks group
 37 Hard liquor                           24 Insurance
 39 Pathologies                           27 Wreaths
 42 Fibrous bark of the paper mulberry    30 Vessel
 46 A way to reproduce by printing        33 Number, in base two
 50 Women from Mayflower                  35 Frogs
 51 Cooperation                           38 Despicable
 52 Programming language                  40 Fellow
 53 Beams                                 41 Female sibling
 54 Physically and mentally sound         43 Primitive persons
 56 Indo-Aryans                           44 Horse harnessed alongside the shaft of a vehicle
 58 Word                                  45 Smart
 59 Stray                                 46 A figure that branches from a single root
 60 Russian country house                 47 The land around a house or other building
 62 Boast                                 48 B complex
 63 A disorderly crowd                    49 A local and habitual twitching esp in the face
 64 Not just "play"                       52 Small two-wheeled horse-drawn
 65 Computer program                      55 Tais
 67 French river                          57 Rasping
 69 Helios                                58 A member of a police force
 70 Dark                                  60 Noun suffix denoting territory
 71 Nation                                61 Electrical conduction through a gas in an electric field
 73 A larval frog or toad                 63 Metric weight unit
 76 Scholar                               66 Yearling
 78 US, Latin America, Canada belong to   68 Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
 79 Pennsylvania town                     69 Amount of time
 81 Per __, each                          70 Wipe up
 84 Determine the court costs of          72 No (Scottish)
 85 Color property                        74 Bobby __, NHL champ
 86 Letter of the alphabet                75 Female grunts
 87 Medieval fiddle                       76 Cubic meter (French)
 89 A way to fetch                        77 Treated with wax
 90 Banishments                           80 A citizen of the United States
 92 Hurried                               82 Counterweight
 94 Philemon, abbr. (Biblical)            83 Outer garments
 95 Liquid body substances                85 Adult female chicken
 96 Ernest __, French historian           86 Creatures
 97 Monetary unit                         88 Energy unit
 98 Ribonucleic acid                      91 Small translucent lancet-shaped burrowing marine animal
100 Can't move                            92 Knock
102 Part                                  93 Deoxyribonucleic acid
103 Intelligences                         95 Isolated
106 Sleep                                 97 Baron
107 Horsefly                              99 Every
109 Unit of time                         101 Tear down
110 Run                                  103 Japanese tree with fragrant white or pink blossoms
112 Territory                            104 Cove
116 Back line at each end of a 
    tennis court                         105 Salt
120 Felid                                108 Artiodactyl
122 Irregularly slashed and jagged
    as if torn                           111 Edouard __, Fr. painter
124 Bastard wing                         113 Elephant's name
125 Epinephrine                          114 Belongs to sun god
128 Cain and __                          115 The world of the dead
129 Place for wives and concubines
    in Muslim household                  116 Humbug
130 Beverages                            117 Flower petals
131 Paths                                118 Entirely dependable
132 Browning of the skin resulting
    from exposure to sun rays            119 German river
133 Letter                               121 Fib
134 Heat units                           123 Suc__, luck (Irish)
135 Samoyedic                            126 Antic
136 Elements                             127 Mesh

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