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Brain Teasers and Trivia Knowledge Test No. 2

Examine the following lines and identify what each acronym, phrase or abbreviation shows.

Example: 26 L of the A = 26 Letters of the Alphabet

  1. 30 D in A, J, S, and N
  2. 50 W to L Y L
  3. 44 is a V C S
  4. 80 D A the W
  5. 501 L S J
  6. 6080 F in a N M
  7. 1 C in an A
  8. 714 H by the B
  9. 6 S on a G
  10. 3 W on a T
  11. 4 B from L (J, P, G, and R)
  12. 3 C on a T L
  13. 28 D in a S
  14. 4 B on a B F
  15. 86 is M S A N
  16. 3/4 of the E S C by O
  17. 225 is a B E
  18. 3 L P (and the B B W)
  19. 8 T on an O
  20. 25 C in a Q
  21. 180 D in a S
  22. 66 is a F R
  23. 911 is a P
  24. 3 S to a Y S
  25. 49 S in the N A C
  26. 10 P for a S

Here Are The Answers....

Scoring Based On No. of Correct Answers

 24 - 26  =  Veritable Sequoia!
 20 - 23  =  Maple
 17 - 19  =  Dogwood
 13 - 16  =  Seedling
  8 - 12  =  Tree Bark
  0 -  7  =  Sap

  1. 30 Days in April, June, September, and November
  2. 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover
  3. 44 is a Vicks Cough Suppressant
  4. 80 Days Around the World
  5. 501 Levi Straus Jeans
  6. 6080 Feet in a Nautical Mile
  7. 1 Cell in an Amoeba
  8. 714 Homeruns by the Babe
  9. 6 Strings on a Guitar
  10. 3 Wheels on a Tricycle
  11. 4 Beatles from Liverpool (John , Paul, George, and Ringo)
  12. 3 Colors on a Traffic Light
  13. 28 Dominos in a Set
  14. 4 Bases on a Baseball Field
  15. 86 is Maxwell Smart's Agent Number
  16. 3/4 of the Earth's Surface Covered by Ocean
  17. 225 is a Buick Electra
  18. 3 Little Pigs (and the Big Bad Wolf)
  19. 8 Tentacles on an Octopus
  20. 25 Cents in a Quarter
  21. 180 Degrees in a Semicircle
  22. 66 is a Famous Route
  23. 911 is a Porsche
  24. 3 Sides to a Yield Sign
  25. 49 States in the North American Continent
  26. 10 Pins for a Strike

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